Control Indoor Climate In
A Modern Touch

Our next-generation bladeless ceiling fan, delivers pure clean air and provides unparalleled cooling through
effective 360-degree steady airflow with optimal thermal distribution.

Affordable Price

Competitive retail price in Hong Kong.
B to C for residential users, B to B for hotel and resort owners, commercial premises

Innovative Application

Being equipped for smart home and IoT, it is a hub that communicates with air-conditioners, analyses and intelligently adapts to indoor environmental data.

Thermal Comfort

Coupled with AI-controlled airflow velocity variation from air vents, Fannos is able to achieve flapless air-sweeping effect for the entire airflow ring, and hence optimal indoor air circulation and thermal distribution.

About us

A local technology company that believes only by driving green innovation forward and integrating seamlessly with how we live can achieve a sustainable new urban.

Our Team

Benefitting from THREE strong technical backgrounds, rapid operational abilities, and broad network of research experts from universities, hotel owners, business development advisors and a multitude of marketing and business professionals. Our team can easily resolve issues ranging from technical to operational and from marketing to business problems.

Our Vision

Rising global warming leads to rapid growth in air-conditioner demands every year and vicious cycle of surging power consumption, air pollution, elevating greenhouse gases, and an even hotter climate. According to World Health Organization, over 7 million die each year due to air pollution and over 30% worldwide suffer from allergic respiratory symptoms, due to airborne bacteria, viruses and volatile organic compounds. We believe that fresh clean air is a basic human right, and it’s our mission to deliver a sustainable smart airflow solution that’s affordable and energy efficient.

Featured Product

“What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to stay healthy?”


“What is the point of being alive if you don’t care about energy saving?”


“What is the point of being alive if you don’t get a Fannos at home?”


Let’s work together to achieve
a healthy new urban

Fannos promotes green living with its effective airflow circulation design and AI thermal comfort profile system to reach optimal indoor climate with the least energy, reducing air conditioner’s power consumption by
up to 20% and hence lowering greenhouse gas emission.